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Cow dung and cow urine solution will give instant energy to plants. So we can use this solution when the plants are recovering from virus / pests in rainy season.

There are so many useful micro-organisms in cow dung and cow urine, which are useful to so many crops.

These micro-organisms are useful in prevention of harmful virus in crops.

Cow dung and urine solution contains nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium and micro nutrients.

Crops will grow healthy with the help of these nutrients. This solution can be sprayed 2 – 3 times in crops time.

Required Supplements

  1. Cow Dung : 5 Kgs
  2. Cow Urine : 5 Litrs
  3. Lime Powder : 150 Grams

Preparation Method

  1. Mix 5 liters of water with 5 kilos cow dung and 5 liters cow urine in a tank or drum.
  2. Ferment this mixture for 4 days by covering the drum.
  3. Mix this mixture daily in both clockwise and anticlockwise directions using a stick.
  4. After 4 days, filter this mixture and add little amount of water. Now add 150 grams of lime powder to this filtered mixture and stir well.
  5. Dilute this solution with 100 liters of water and mix well. Spray this solution in one acre farm for one time.


  1. Use a mesh or thin gunny sack before filtering, because the cow dung and urine solution will be very thick.
  2. Later filter with a thin cloth by adding water.
  3. Use the solution immediately after preparation.
  4. Their might be chances for damage of solution if we store it for a long time.
  5. If the crop is having virus, add hing to the cow dung and urine solution before spraying.


  1. After spraying this solution, flying pests won’t like to lay eggs on crop because of its hot smell.
  2. Crops will tolerate the sun heat till one week after spraying this solution.
  3. This solution can also be applied through drip or sprinkler system by filtering well.
  4. This solution also increases the strength of immunity system of crops.
  5. One can yield good results, by using Cow dung and urine solution on vegetable crops and home growing leafy vegetables.

Cow dung and urine solution with hing will prevent rice blast virus efficiently. This can be sprayed on crop twice within 10 days.