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Who nowadays is not looking for a healthier replacement for white sugar? Everyone is aware of the nutrients that its less processed version, jaggery has. One such healthy option with low GI compared to sugarcane jaggery is Palm jaggery. Though not as popular as sugar cane jaggery, it offers numerous health benefits beyond comparison to any other natural sweeteners.

Palm Jaggery is prepared from the sap extract of palm tree/Palmyra, popularly known as Karupatti in most of South India. It is loaded with many essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals like carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc. Tamil Nadu is the largest producer of palm jaggery, you can consume it guilt-free without letting its carbon footprint weigh you down. So, environmentally good too.

Special occasions like festivals call for traditional sweets consumed by young and old at home. As the glycemic index of palm jaggery is as low as 35-40, people with health conditions such as diabetes can indulge without any apprehensions. Natural insulin present in palm jaggery can help in controlling blood sugar levels. Having said that, anything consumed in moderation is safe.

Apart from the aforementioned benefits, palm jaggery is also used as winter food to keep the body  warm in winters. It can help in keeping flu, common cold, and cough at bay thereby improving overall immunity. Its carbohydrates also help in improving the digestion process. Regular consumption of palm jaggery is also known to keep the body active by providing energy throughout the day.

Aside from being a super food with many benefits, it is also popular among weight watchers as it aids in weight loss by reducing water retention and bloating thereby modulating weight. Give your day a kickstart with a nutritious breakfast prepared with a dash of palm jaggery and oats or ragi that can keep your tummy full and satiated for longer hours. Palm jaggery can also be used in baked goods. What more! You can now make your favorite cakes and cookies guilt-free. It is also a superfood for growing children as it also provides immunity to the body protecting it from seasonal changes.

Many traditional sweet preparations are made with palm jaggery. Sweet pancakes that use a mixture of jaggery and coconut wrapped in flat disks made of rice flour and steamed in banana leaves are prepared on Onam, new year’s day in Kerala. There are an array of ways that palm jaggery can be used ranging from teas, halwa, cakes, paniyaram, millet laddus, etc.

So, what are you waiting for?! Grab your pack of palm jaggery and enjoy the goodness of its health benefits along with its superior and unique taste. Eat away those sweets you’ve been craving to your heart’s content.

We at Nativus Farms ensure you get top-notch quality for the price you pay. Our jaggery is pure, made with zero chemicals and all the goodness of Nature kept intact. No artificial ingredients are added. We only procure it from farmers from whom we can trace the entire process from start to end keeping it transparent.