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Vedic Bilona Ghee

The ghee is a healthy supplement in daily diet. Cow ghee is cholesterol free and helps in boosting the immunity, helps in digestion.

Enjoy the freshness of our ghee that is made from forest grazing a2 breed cow's milk.

A2 breed cow ghee is prepared in the bilona method which is followed in Ancient Vedic Ayurveda. The process of making ghee is

  1. The raw cow milk is boiled in a stainless steel vessel. Cow dung cakes are used to slow boil the milk.
  2. A spoonful of curd is added to the milk and left overnight to ferment.
  3. Fresh curd is churned the next day extracting butter and butter milk.
  4. Extracted butter is heated on sim heat in an iron vessel which turns into Vedic Bilona Ghee.

Benefits of A2 Bilona Ghee

  1. Helps in detoxification of the body
  2. Balances vaata, pitha and kapha in the body
  3. Contains good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin D and Vitamin K
  4. Anti oxidant properties in bilona ghee helps against cancer
  5. Balances the hormone levels
  6. Helps in controlling thyroid and menstrual issues in women
  7. On overall improves the health immunity

Nutritional Information per 100ml of A2 Bilona Cow Ghee

Sr. No.ParameterValue
1Energy896.89 Kcal
2Carbohydrate<0.01 g
3Fat99.61 g
4Protein0.1 g

Contact us on 9160936353 or email at for orders.