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Nativus Farms Jeevamritam Preparation

Due to the usage of Jeevamritam, there will be a massive growth in the number of microorganisms and earthworms in the soil. It increases the fertility of the soil by stimulating the microorganisms and earthworms to be active which generally are in a dormant stage.

Microorganisms and earthworms play an important role in converting the nutrients present in the soil into something that can be directly utilized by the plants. Animal excreta and urine are a source for crores of microorganisms. When jaggery, flour powder, water are mixed along with cow dung and urine, the microorganisms present in animal excreta will get doubled for every 20 minutes.

Ingredients for the preparation of Jeevamrutham for one acre land:

  • 200 litres of water
  • 10 kilos of cow dung
  • 5 – 10 litres of cow urine
  • 2 kilos of Jaggery
  • 2 kilo flour (any of black eyed pea, horse gram, tur dal, moong dal)
  • Handful of soil from bund

Preparation of Jeevamritam:

  1. Take a cement tank or a plastic container. Make sure it doesn’t get sunlight.
  2. Fill with 200 litres of water. Add the ingredients cow dung, cow urine, jaggery, flour powder, soil and mix them properly in water.
  3. Stir the solution in clock wise direction. The mixing should be done for one minute in the morning and one minute in the evening.
  4. After mixing cover it with a jute bag to avoid flies and other insects falling into the solution.

Micro organisms in the solution will get increased for every 20 minutes.

After 48 hours of preparation Jeevamritam will be ready to use for crops. From the date of preparation, jeevamritam should be used within a week time.

Jeevamritam to be given to soil for every 15 days. It can be given through drip and foliar spray also.